Thursday, February 9, 2012

How many quarks does xenon have?

I need to make a model of an atom but I barely know what a quark is and how many of them that the element Xenon (Xe) has.How many quarks does xenon have?
If you are modeling an atom, I would not worry about going as small as a quark. Stick to the more easily detected sub-atomic particles; Protons, Neutrons and Electrons. For Xe this would be 54 proton, 78 neutrons and 54 electrons.

With quarks you have up, down, strange, charm, top and bottom which in turn make up the larger particles. Most of these can only be detected in a particle accelerator shortly after smashing two atoms together.How many quarks does xenon have?
For the isotope of mass 131, there would be 393 quarks. three quarks are needed for each proton and each neutron

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