Monday, February 20, 2012

What effect does the Sun have on you and what is your zodiac sign?

Random question yah, I know and probably has no connection to astrology but why not. Calm down, take a break, eat a cookie :D

Im a Leo and the sun actually makes me feel rather tired!What effect does the Sun have on you and what is your zodiac sign?
Gives me a tan, vitamin D, and a good mood over all. A sunny day is almost always a good day.
I like admiring sunny days... from a cool, comfortable position in the shade. Too much brightness gives me a terrible headache, too much heat makes me feel sick and dizzy, and too much sun exposure burns my skinsies like the dickens. I wasn't really cut out for frolicking around in the sun. But I love a nice, sunny, breezy day.

PiscesWhat effect does the Sun have on you and what is your zodiac sign?
Fun indeed ;)

I'm a Capricorn Sun and I'm not really fond of staying in the sun too long, starts to make me feel hot and tired, though I don't outwardly complain about it of course. :P

PS: The tan is kinda nice though! ^_^

I'm a Scorpio. The sun makes me feel sick, like nauseous, headache, stomachache, tired, fatigued, and irritates my skin. I like the heat/sun but I can't be out for long, I need to stay covered up with pants and long sleeve shirts.What effect does the Sun have on you and what is your zodiac sign?
I'm Aries and Pisces. :D

And sometimes it depends on how it is outside,

but mainly I love being in the sun and it just sort of makes me want to slow down and relax.
I love the sun. Gives me a tan and makes me feel great.

Just gotta stay hydrated and know when enough is enough.
I'm a Scorpio! The sun makes me either sleepy, grumpy or anxious. Just depends, I guess. :)
the SUN......................... i love them! i can enjoy a great day outside and having fun whether hang out or doing some workouts at the park..... sunny day just great

I'm a Scorpio and I love being in the sun, always have.

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