Monday, February 20, 2012

How Much of your Zodiac Sun is Overshadowed by your Rising Sign?

i know the Sun is the Personality but how much of it will be seen by Others?

if you have a Dominating Rising Sign like Aries will it take over a Quiet Sun like Virgo?How Much of your Zodiac Sun is Overshadowed by your Rising Sign?
Your full chart is your personality. Your Sun sign represents your conscience self and ego. The Ascendant is seen by people more so than the Sun sign. It's your face to the outside world, and most people will see that more so than the Sun placements, unless it's someone close to you who knows you well. It all works together though, nothing is completely overshadowed. Some places in your chart are more important than others and will show up more. Your Rising sign and aspects to your Ascendant may be a bigger part of your chart, it just depends on how it is placed. One person having a strong Mars may have there Mars placements be more dominant in their personality. The next person may have there Ascendant as their dominant factor of their personality. It depends on how certain things are placed in your chart. If you think your Rising sign plays a big part of who you are, then it is most likely true.
I have an Aries Sun and Gemini Rising.

I really believe that Sun is supposed to be your dreams, goals and desires. Your Ascendant is how you act and behave to achieve your goals. This is totally true for me. I definitely act more like a Gemini: talk a lot, charming, manipulative, always wanting to know everything, witty, flirty, flighty, always researching a lot of things, always want variety.

I act like a Gemini and perceived by people as a Gemini but my real desire is to control and have a lot of power which is Aries. I rely on connections with people, like to research on how to advance socially, and like to charm even if it means lying. This is Gemini but I do all this to be able to have some kind of control, power and be a leader.

Like I really want to be a business owner, a rich one. Aries likes to be a leader, want to have a lot of subordinates and wants to have everything in a snap. Lol totally selfish huh? But in order to be like one, I research and research how to advance socially which is the Gemini in me. I research how to be charming, how to be liked and curious about everything that will help me achieve my goals.

So I'd definitely say my Sun is overshadowed by my RISING and is seen by people more than my Sun. My Sun is my inner desire and the personality I hide because for some reason I don't want to be seen like that lol. I want to be more like a Gemini so I act like one subconsciously.How Much of your Zodiac Sun is Overshadowed by your Rising Sign?
Not much at all. I think the rising sign is probably one of the more insignificant signs. I wouldn't really worry about the rising sign at all. It's interesting that you ask about an Aries rising and a Virgo sun because that's me. The Virgo sun is clearly more dominant than the Aries rising in me. The sun sign is the most dominant obviously. After that, I'd say the moon is a clear #2. After that, I'd say Mars is #3 with Venus being a close #4. The sun, moon, Mars, and Venus are easily the most dominant signs in a person. Mercury is probably #5. It all depends on how close the planets are to Earth since that's where we're born. That closer the planet is, the more influence it has. Even though the sun is farther away than Mars, Mercury, and Venus, it has the strongest effect because its rays directly hit the Earth. But after the sun, you go by the closest planets. And the rising sign comes from the constellation itself. Not any planet, and the constellations are pretty far away. That's why they need the planets to help channel their energy to Earth. Without a planet, it's hard for a constellation to affect us. And then they say you mostly see the rising sign when a person is alone and when that person initially takes on a project. So that's a pretty tiny window in life, and the other signs are simply more dominant than the rising sign. Plus, it seems to me that the rising sign so similar in description to the Mars sign, that I'd just go with the Mars sign.
Yea, I had to rate The Collapse a plus, this person said it basically but it's also about that individual. But I personally think the Sun and Ascendant are the 2 most important no matter how strong your other placements are, but I think the strongest placements help enhance either that Sun and aspects with it or vise verse with the Ascendant. Example: I have sun in Cancer Ascendant in Sagittarius and Moon in Sagittarius and in it says my dominant is Pluto in Scorpio because it's in a dominanting position therefore my Sun sign is Cancer so planets are the energies here not the signs, so Cancer's planet is moon and my energy from moon is getting put in Sagittarius and my ascendant 1st house position. Also my Pluto which is a dominant is in the 12th house and when pluto is in 12th house less than 10 - 12 degrees it's a conjuct ascendant I read, so Pluto energy not only only putting in scorpio but my ascendant 1st house position and Moon and Pluto are my dminants therefore enhancing my ascendant positiion and putting Sagittarius dominant. So yes by this and personal experience I'm noticed by everyone and friends by being a sagittarius; hope this helps!How Much of your Zodiac Sun is Overshadowed by your Rising Sign?
hmm i think my rising sign is quite a bit more visible than my sun/moon until peopel get to know me well. my sun and moon are scorpio... but my rising is virgo on the cusp of libra. i'm pretty shy, i can be insecure, and always worried about what peopel think of me, always wanting to please others. it's not at all who i really am but sometimes it takes over when i'm around people.
My rising is Aries and it's totally overshadowing my Cancer sun. Basically, no one has seen the Cancer in me.
Probably a lot, but my sun and moon signs are similar anyways.

But I think my moon makes me much more emotional then I would be without it.
in certain situations,yeah

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